Opportunistic infections: why worry? ILAR 39 (4): 264.
There have been considerable improvements in the microbiological quality
of research animals. These changes were spurred in the early 1980s by the
use of new diagnostic methods that revealed a spectrum of infectious agents
indigenous to most rodents from commercial and research colonies. Part
of the challenge in improving the microbial quality of research animals
required design of new biocontainment/bioexclusion systems that were effective
but easier to use than the flexible film isolator. The current problem
is how to maintain the pathogen-free status of rodents that arrive at facilities
housing animals under both conventional and specific pathogen-free conditions.
This problem is further constrained by budgetary issues and burgeoning
animal populations. Serological diagnostic improvements of the 1980s are
now being followed by a molecular revolution. Polymerase chain reaction
(PCR), although expensive, is rapid and may be designed as a "universal"
test or an agent-specific test. PCR can reveal agents that cannot be cultured
by conventional means. One example would be Helicobacter species, which
have fastidious in vitro growth requirements and are difficult to culture.
Helicobacter hepaticus and Helicobacter bilis have been shown to induce
inflammatory bowel disease both spontaneously and experimentally in immunocompromised
and genetically altered rodents. Opportunistic infections are often thought
of as those that are superimposed on an immunocompromised host by virtue
of genetic makeup or chemical induction. However, the immune systems of
rodents infected with some of the more common pathogens can be functionally
altered to such an extent that they become unacceptable subjects for immunological
assays and/or more susceptible to the deleterious effects of other agents.
Laboratory rodents have become world travelers and stresses associated
with transportation may have amplified effects in animals that already
have impaired immune function.
A broad definition of opportunistic is "denoting an organism capable
of causing disease only in a host whose resistance is lowered, for example,
by other diseases or drugs." Factors rendering rodents less resistant include
not only those drugs or infections that may alter immune function but also
manipulations researchers impose on the animal genome.
Genetically altered rodents may have unanticipated phenotypes that
include clinical disease manifestations induced by organisms heretofore
unrecognized or thought to be commensals.
1. What are the three steps of PCR?
2. Which of the following test(s) use red blood cells?
a. Complement fixation
b. Hemagglutination inhibition assay
d. IFA
3. Hairless and rhino mice have which cell abnormalities?
a. T cell
b. B cell
c. NK cell
d. PMN cell
4. What are the two major defects of nude homozygous mice?
5. What mating scheme is used for the production of nude mice and why?
1. Denature, anneal, and extend (elongate).
2. A and B.
3. A.
4. Failure of hair growth, dysgenesis of thymic epithelium.
5. Male homozygotes mated with female heterozygotes; female homozygotes
have poor lactating ability.
Risks of infection among laboratory rats and mice at major
biomedical research institutions. ILAR 39 (4): 266.
A survey was done among the top 102 institutions that received funds
from NIH in 1996. The survey asked about measures to monitor animals and
animal products obtained from external sources. Virtually all respondents
had some type of animal quarantine and testing in place, but few had testing
programs for cell lines, immune sera, transplantable tumors, or other animal
Financial support for developing such programs was reported as not
often being available. Among the respondents, 70% or the mouse colonies
and 60% of the rat colonies are maintained under SPF conditions. Surveillance
testing for most institutions was done quarterly (3-4 times/year), mainly
for resident colonies and rodents obtained form noncommerical sources (other
research institutions). Serology was the primary diagnostic screening used
to detect viruses, whereas culture, serology and microscopy were used to
detect bacterial and parasitic infections. Few institutions used molecular
test for diagnosis of disease. Approximately half of the respondents recovered
cost for health monitoring through per diem charges, and half charged investigators
directly or supported surveillance with institutional funds. Many institutions
had some capacity for on-site diagnostic lab support but most lab work
was performed buy a pathologist. Although most institutions use SPF technology
in mouse and rat colonies, problems with infectious agents are still experienced.
In SPF mouse colonies, cornaviruses, parvoviruses, ecto/endoparasites were
reported to be present in 10-30% of these colonies. Helicobacter infections
were reported to be present in 10% of the colonies. Since most institutions
don't test for Helicobacter, the numbers of cases are more likely higher
than reported. Cornaviruses were present in more than 70% of the institutions,
pinworms about 70%, ectoparatisties 40%, TMEV more than 30%, and five other
viral and bacterial agents at 10-30%. Surprisingly serological evidence
of ectromelia and LCM viruses were reported for mice. SPF rat colonies
in the institutions surveyed reported that the prevalence of cornaviruses,
parvoviruses, PVM, Sendai virus, CAR bacillus, and M. pulmonis ranged from
20-40% and approached 70% for pinworms. Survey respondents were asked to
summarize major concerns about preventative health at their institutions
and factors that lead to the presence of infection. One factor was inadequate
financing for health care, therefore inadequate compliance by investigators.
Federal funds given to investigators does not include funding for animal
health. The investigators or the institution must assume the cost. Facility
shortcomings which includes inadequate separation of microbiologically
incompatible animals, inadequate quarantine/space, diagnostic equipment,
and staffing problems can contribute to the risk of infection as well.
This survey showed that problems with infectious agents as well as other
aspects that contribute to the success of an animal health program transcends
most institutional borders.
No questions
Microbiological assessment of laboratory rats and mice. ILAR
39 (4): 272.
A health surveillance program is used to detect any pathogen from a
specific profile of infectious agents. If an agent is detected in a sample
groups, the larger population in a room or unit should be considered infected
with that agent. In determining the agent profiles used to determine the
health status of incoming rodents in order to prevent disease introduction
and to monitor the health status of animals arleady housed in a facility,
is is important to consider the interaction of specific microorganisms
in light of the resident populations' specific rodent strains. The authors
recommend the following as an example of a comprehensive rodent health
surveillance program: 1. Appropriately anesthetize the animal to collect
the blood sample 2. Record body weights fro each animal 3. Examine the
carcass, including the pelage and skin, grossly for dermatophytes, ectoparasites
and other causes of dermatosis and alopecia 4. Sample nasoturbinates by
a wash or swab for bacteria and mycoplasma 5. Obtain oropharyngeal sample
for bacterial culture 6. Check tympanic bullae 7. Reflect the skinfrom
the ventral midline and grossly examine organs in the thoracic and abdominal
cavities for lesions/abnormalities. Remove lungs for histo and/or DNA extraction
for pathogen determiniations 8. Examine abdominal rogans grossly for abnormalities/lesions.
Remove sections from ileum, liver and kidney for histo. 9. Perform wet
mounts on intestinal scrapings, intestinal/cecal contents 10. Resect the
urocyst to check for T. cassicauda 11. Resect the appendix to check for
parasites 12. Collect fecal samples for culture, DNA extraction and parasitology
Serological detection of infectious agents can be done using several methods,
including ELISA, IFA, HAI. Interpretation of a positive serological result
requires looking as several different aspects of the results, which include:
1. has adequate sampling been performed 2. testing has been performed on
more than a few animals 3. a high frequency of of positives has been detected.
The authors recommend retesting in 2-3 weeks to see if there is an increase
in incidence of positive titers. The authors conclude that it is impractical
for them to define a specific list of organisms to test for, as well as
the frequency of testing as this will vary with each facility and its needs.
For sampling, sentinels should be housed in a manner that maximizes their
exposure to the organisms infecting the animals being monitored. Generally,
infectious agents are transmitted most efficiently via animal contact.
Fomite transmission can be achieved using dirty bedding testing, but not
all organisms are transmitted via soiled bedding, such as CAR bacillus.
Immunocompetent animals should be used for serological testing and that
they should be in the colony for at least 1 month before testing to ensure
that titers are present for detection. Animals should be sampled over multiple
animals for path, histo and microbiology because some diseases are age
dependent. In conclusion, the frequency of testing, selecting which infectious
agents to test for, as well as the type of quality control system to use
must be determined based on factors such as what are the acceptable risks
researchers are will to work with, the types of facilities available, the
housing methods used(conventional vs. microisolator lids vs. ventilated
racks) as well as the source of animals housed.
1. TP ________ X 100 = TP +FN
a. Density
b. Specific gravity
c. Specificity
d. Sensitivity
2. TN ______ X100 = TN + FP
a. Specific gravity
b. Specificty
c. Density
d Sensitivity
1. d 2. b.
Current strategies for controlling/eliminating opportunistic
microorganisms. ILAR 39 (4): 291.
"The research benefits of controlling or eliminating ... (opportunistic)
microorganisms must be balanced against the control measures' cost, complexity,
and probability of success." This paper outlines one approach for determining
the relative risk associated with each organism and then developing an
appropriate control strategy. The first step is to perform a RISK ASSESSMENT
- the process of analyzing the nature and relative importance of a microorganism
to a research program. The following factors to be considered in a risk
assessment were briefly discussed: Prevalence of the organism; its Species
Specificity; Research/ Disease Effects; Transmissibility of Microorganisms;
Zoonotic Potential, Manipulation and Access (how many people have access
to the animals and what do they do to them?); Movement/Transportation of
the animals; risk of exposure from Husbandry Supplies, Research Equipment,
and Other Materials; and Concurrent Use of Hazardous Agents. The risk assessment
defines which organisms you wish to control. The second step then is to
develop CONTROL STRATEGIES FOR MICROORGANISMS. Although a complete control
strategy covers the whole program of acquiring, housing, transporting,
and utilizing animals, this paper primarily addresses only the BIOEXCLUSION
system or the facilities, equipment, and procedures used to exclude microbes
from groups of animals within the institution. Some available tools for
bioexclusion that were described include Barrier Facilities/Rooms, Isolators,
Microisolators, Cubicles, Ventilated Cabinets, and Mass Air Displacement/
Laminar Flow Rooms. Other components of the bioexclusion program that were
discussed include Assessment of Animal Health Status (both before and after
they enter the facility), Personnel Procedures (What organisms are people
bringing into the facility?), Clothing, Training, Changing the Health Status
of Animals (rederivation, medication), and Disaster Plan (what do you do
when you find an infected animal?).
No questions
Reflections on future needs in research with animals. ILAR
39 (4): 306.
"The purpose of the article is to describe the animal-related resources
needed as we enter the 21st century to continue the progress of biomedical
research. A discussion of future animal care needs is appropriate in this
ILAR Journal issue devoted to opportunistic infections because many genetically
manipulated rodent--the tools of the future--will be exquisitely sensitive
to opportunistic infections. The authors postulate that major needs will
exist for animals, staffing, and infrastructure to facilitate scientific
progress between the time of writing and 2010".
Animal-Based Research Trends:
-continued need of investigators to breed their own rodents in-house
-emergence of zebrafish as a key vertebrae model
-increasingly sophisticated roll of the veterinarian as a member of
the research team
Genetically Manipulated Animals (transgenic, knock-out, knock-in rodents)
-dominant trend in animal-based research will involve genetically manipulated
-these rodents require high-quality housing conditions and intensive
health monitoring beyond the requirements of less susceptible rodents.
In-house animal breeding
- needed do to production of genetically manipulated animals to study
multigene effects
- common rodent pathogens will continue to threaten animal health
Training and Education
Veterinarian's role
- maintain healthy animals in a constant environment to generate valid
- distinguish nongenetic factors from genetic effects
- supervise quarantine and rederivation services
- develop skills in investigative phenotyping of new genetically manipulated
- must distinguish phenotypic effects of genetic alterations from "background"
- support rodent quality assurance testing
- develop techniques of complex breeding methods to study multigene
Animal Caretakers
- improve animal care by early detection of clinical problems
- properly utilize barrier techniques and infection control concepts
General Public
- comprehend the essential role played by animal-based research
Infrastructure Provisions
- provide adequate protective housing,
- provide phenotyping and diagnostic imaging support
- preservation of unique germplasm
- rederivation of infected/infested animals
- miniaturized telemetry and drug delivery systems,
- provide for regional monoclonal production facilities
- specialized resources for studying nonhuman primate models
Trained veterinarians, scientists, animal care staff, and the general
public are central to continued growth in biomedical knowledge. Their efforts
must be supported by modernized infrastructures- animal housing, facilities,
transgenic rodent resources, miniaturized equipment, antibody and primate
resources- to continue to improve health care and gain biomedical knowledge
in the 21st century utilizing animal models.
No questions
Future Directions in Rodent Pathogen Control. ILAR 30 (4):
Weisbroth roughly divided the last 100 yr of research involving laboratory
animals into 3 periods. During the first period of domestication (1880-1950),
many species were brought into laboratories and the range and prevalence
of pathogens was decreased. The second period of gnotobiotic derivation
(1960-1985) was marked by the development of organized laboratory animal
science and medicine. During this period, cesarean derivation was developed
and greatly facilitated the reduction and elimination of several pathogens.
The third period (1980-present) has been the period of eradication of the
indigenous murine viruses. This has been achieved through serologic testing
for antibodies to specific pathogens and subsequent elimination or cesarean
rederivation of antibody-positive colonies.
Microbes have been designated as pathogens, opportunists or commensals.
This designation may need to be revised given the recent evidence that
some commensals may have subtle effects on the host. (i.e. MAD-2; Syphacia
Pathogens from the past cannot be totally eliminated and will continue
to appear due to contamination by wild rodents. Additional effects of currently
known organisms will be reported in the future as new techniques are discovered
to study them. Microbes will continue to change as new pathogens are discovered
and reported.
The author encourages investigators to consider microbial status in
all experimentation, and especially in studies examining cellular or subcellular
mechanisms. He also promotes the development of a data base of information
related to microbial effects on host physiology which should be updated
regularly and accessible electronically.
No questions
Opportunistic infections in research rodents: the challenges
are great and the hour is late. ILAR 39 (4): 316.
This is an editorial addressing the problem of dwindling resources
in the face of increasing need for laboratory animal facilities. The author
points out that the anticipated need for mice is increasing, largely due
to the availability of transgenic and knockout technology. At the same
time, available space for mice is decreasing, and many institutions do
not have the facilites/infrastructure available to house more animals.
To further complcate matters, accurate phenotyping of genetically engineered
mice requires well-defined SPF status, and many facilities do not have
the resources to obtain and maintain SPF rodents. A change in accounting
methodology required by the federal government has shifted animal care
costs from institutions (overhead) to direct costs for the investigators,
making research with animals almost prohibitively expensive. Finally, a
shift in funding priorities at the NCRR has dramatically decreased the
clinical training available for lab animal veterinarians; this plus the
traditionally small number of veterinary students entering the comparative
medicine field is creating a shortage of qualified laboratory animal veterinarians.
No questions
Deer mice as laboratory animals. ILAR 39 (4): 322.
The deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) is being used increasingly
toxicological and epidemiological research, as well as in ecological, behavioral
and genetic studies. The wild deer mouse is among the most abundant small
mammals in North America and they are ranged as far north as Alaska and
as far south as central Mexico. In 1962, the deer mouse colony at the University
of South Carolina was established. There is now more than 30 distinct "wild-type"
and mutant genetic stocks, which form the nucleus of the Peromyscus Genetic
Stock center. Deer mice can be utilized to monitor environmental pollution
using exposed wild animals compared with laboratory-bred controls. A genetically
variant Peromyscus outbred stock was a source of the alcohol dehydrogenase
"null" variant extensively employed in ethanol metabolism research. Two
major disadvantages of the deer mouse as laboratory animals are the unavailability
of highly inbred, genetically homogeneous strains and difficulty in handling
due to their quickness and jumping ability. The inbred animals tend to
have reduced fertility and viability.
Peromyscus have been implicated in 2 human diseases of current interest:
1. Deer mice (P. maniculatus) are carriers of the pathogen producing the
recent hantaviral pulmonary syndrome (Four Corners disease) outbreak in
the southwestern United States. 2. The deer mouse and the congeneric white-footed
mouse (P. leucopus) are known hosts for the larval stage of the tick (Ixod
which transmits the Lyme disease spirochaet (Borrelia). Wild peromyscus
mice may also carry ehrlichiosis. Deer mice and other Peromyscus have long
been considered ideal for evolutionary research and for biological rhythms
Peromyscus are sexually mature by 50 days of age and the estrous cycle
of the deer mouse is 5 days and gestation is 22 days, except in lactating
mothers for which it is delayed between 4-5 days. Breeding is optimized
when animals are continuously retained in breeding pairs. Copulatory plugs
are not conspicuous in Peromyscus and are not a reliable indication of
mating. Litters should be removed from breeding cages at 25 days. Peromyscus
colonies are subject toinspection by the US Department of Agriculture at
regular intervals.
1. Name two diseases that Peromyscus may carry that are a public health
2. True/False: Since Peromyscus are mice they do not have to be inspected
by the USDA.
1. Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome and Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme diseae).
2. False