Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals [The Guide]




Chapter 1 (pages 1-20 with note, preface and introduction) – INSTITUTIONAL POLICIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES


  1. What organizations financially support and publish the Guide?
  2. When was the Guide first published and how many times has it been revised?
  3. What are the 4 chapters in the Guide?
  4. The committee to revise the Guide in 1993 was appointed by which organization?
  5. What are the two categories that “Farm Animals” used in research are divided into and give examples of each category.
  6. According to the Guide, the IACUC is appointed by the _____ and its membership should include _____, _______ and  ________.
  7. How often should the IACUC meet and inspect facilities?
  8. According to the Guide, what is the definition of a “major” surgical procedure?
  9. In studies involving food and water restriction, how often should water intake be recorded? Body weight?
  10. Name 3 secondary barriers that help prevent release of hazards outside the facility.
  11. Personnel who work with macaques should be instructed to handle bite and scratch emergency care situations due to the potential for what viral infection?
  12. T/F  The Guide is intended to cover laboratory animals, which include any vertebrate animal used in research, teaching or testing including farm animals and wildlife.
  13. T/F   According to the Guide, multiple major surgeries are never allowed.
  14. T/F  The Occupational Health and Safety of personnel should be handled as a separate program from the Animal Care and Use Program.


  1. financially supported by NIH, Dept. of Agriculture and the Dept. of Veteran’s Affairs; Published by the National Academy Press
  2. 1963;  6 revisions (’65, ’68, ’72, ’78, ’85, ‘91)
  3. Institutional Policies and Responsibilities, Animal Environment and Housing Management, Veterinary Medical Care, Physical Plant
  4. National Research Council
  5. Biomedical (ex. Models of human disease and organ transplants); Agricultural (ex. Studies on food and fiber and feed trials)
  6. Institutional Official, a DVM, one practicing scientist, one public member
  7. at least once every 6 months
  8. surgery which “penetrates and exposes a body cavity or produces substantial physical impairment of physical or physiologic function”
  9. record water intake daily, body weight weekly
  10. 1) airlocks, 2) negative air pressure, 3) air filters
  11. Cercopithecine herpesvirus 1
  12. T
  13. F
  14. F




1.      With reference to an animal’s environment, what are other terms used to describe primary and secondary enclosures?

2.      T/F  The use of wire bottom caging is preferred for housing rodents.

3.      A cage which measures 5ft x 5ft, contains a perch 6 inches off the floor 2 sq.ft. and a food and water bowl which occupy 1 sq.ft. of space. Calculate the floor space provided by this cage for a 10 kg. dog.

4.      T/F According to the Guide, rats and guinea pigs require more cage height than mice or hamsters.

5.      What is the environmental temperature range (high/low) referenced by the Guide, which animals unadapted to temperature extremes should be maintained in order to avoid clinical effects?

6.      What is the range of relative humidity acceptable for most animal environments?

7.      When room temperature and ventilation are maintained to species specifications there may be insufficient ventilation within an animal’s microenvironment. What are at least 3 additional factors to consider?

8.      What is the suggested guideline for the number of air exchanges per hour for secondary enclosures?

9.      Because of the many variables that impact ventilation what is a preferred method to determine adequate ventilation?

10.  T/F Recycled air may be used in specialized enclosures if adequate particulate and gaseous filtration is used to address contamination risks.

11.  What does the term HEPA mean?

12.  What are four provisions for the use of recycled air without gaseous filtration within an animal environment?

13.  What species of animal has been most often used as a basis to establish room illumination levels? Why?

14.  Thirty foot-candles is equivalent to _______ lux.

15.  Many factors influence the acceptable level of light in an animal room. In general, what is the recommendation for “light at cage level” for species susceptible to phototoxic retinopathy?

16.  According to the Guide, “exposure to sound louder than ______ decibels can have both auditory and non auditory effects”.

17.  List 5 benefits of providing a social environment for animals.

18.  How many months may most dry laboratory commercial diets be stored?

19.  What is the shelf-life of most diets, which contain vitamin C?

20.  T/F According to the Guide, calorie restriction is an accepted practice for long-term housing of some species.

21.   What is the reason to avoid the use of cedar shavings as bedding for rodents?

22.  How often should animal pens or runs be flushed to remove animal waste?

23.  In general, how often should animal enclosures and accessories be sanitized?

24.  What is the minimum temperature of wash and rinse water necessary for effective disinfection?

25.  Cleaning and disenfection of most animal-care equipment is generally sufficient. Under what circumstances should a facility consider the use of sterilization after the cleaning/disinfection procedure?

26.  List 5 items that should be included on animal identification cards.

27.  T/F Regarding genetics, outbred animals display much homogeneity, while inbred and transgenic animals display heterogeneity.

28.  T/F Each institution should develop its own nomenclature for recording strain, substrain, or genetic background of their animals.


1.      macroenvironment and microenvironment

2.      False - solid bottom cage with bedding

3.      24 sq.ft. (25 – 1 = 24, the perch does not provide additional floor space since the dog cannot occupy the space under it)

4.      True - The recommended cage height for rats and guinea pigs is 7 inches; for mice the recommendation is 5 inches and hamsters are 6 inches.

5.      85F (29.4C) and 40F (4.4C)

6.       30% to 70%

7.      Animal respiration, frequency of bedding change, heat load from light sources, position of cage within room, etc.

8.      10 to 15 fresh-air changes per hour

9.      Calculate the ventilation required to accommodate the “heat load” generated by the animals. Use the total-heat-gain formula published by the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers.

10.    True

11.   High-efficiency particulate air-filtered

12.  Ans:

·        Recycled air is mixed with 50% fresh air

·        Husbandry practices and the preparation of recycled air are sufficient to minimize toxic gases and odors

·        Recycled air is returned only to the area from which it was generated, except if it comes from areas not used for animal-housing

·        Recycled air is appropriately conditioned and mixed with sufficient fresh air to address the thermal and humidity requirements of animals in that space

13.  The albino rat.  It is the species most susceptible to phototoxic retinopathy.

14.  325 lux

15.  Between 130 and 325 lux

16.  85 dB

17.  Ans:

·        Benefit a normal physiologic development

·        Reduce stress

·        May reduce behavioral abnormalities

·        May increase or stimulate exercise

·        Cognitive stimulation

18.  6 months

19.  3 months

20.  True - moderate restriction of calories and protein intakes for clinical or husbandry reasons has been shown to increase longevity and decrease obesity in some species

21.  Because they omit aromatic hydrocarbons that induce hepatic microsomal enzymes and cytotoxicity and have been reported to increase the incidence of cancer

22.  at least once a day

23.  Once every 2 weeks

24.  143 F (the recommended range is 143 F to 180 F)

25.    Ans:

·        When known pathogenic microorganisms are present

·        In cases of animals with compromised immune systems

·        The use of animals with highly defined microbiologic flora

26.    Ans:

·        Source of the animal

·        Strain or stock

·        Names and contact information for responsible investigator

·        Pertinent dates (arrival, surgery, pregnancy info, etc.)

·        Protocol number

27.    False - outbred animals are desired for their heterogeneity. Inbred animals tend to be homozygotic. Transgenic animals tend to be very unique as a reflection of the transferred gene.

28.    False - The use of published standardized nomenclature is very important.


Chapter 3 (pages 56-70) – VETERINARY MEDICAL CARE


1.   Fill in the blank.  Adequate veterinary care program consists of effective programs for the following seven points:

    1. Preventive Medicine
    2. Surveillance, diagnosis, treatment, and control of diseases (including zoonoses)
    3. Management of ________________
    4. Anesthesia and analgesia
    5. Surgery and postsurgical care
    6. Assessment of animal well-being
    7. Euthanasia

2.   Select the correct answer.  The attending veterinarian has what type of qualification(s):

    1. ACLAM certification
    2. Training or experience in laboratory animal science and medicine
    3. Training or experience in the care of the species being used
    4. Any of the above
  1. List the six correct responses to the following question.  The veterinarian must provide guidance to the investigators and all personnel involved in the care and use of animals to ensure appropriate programs in what.
  2. Fill in the blank.  Aspects of veterinary care can be conducted by persons other than the veterinarian provided that a mechanism for direct and frequent communication is established to ensure that timely and accurate information is conveyed to the veterinarian on problems associated with _____, _____, and ____.
  3. True or false.  The attending veterinarian must provide guidance or oversight to surgery programs and oversight of postsurgical care.
  4. Fill in the blank.  Animals obtained from USDA Class B dealers or pounds must be inspected for what ____ or ____ that might indicate that this animal was a pet.
  5. How frequently is the threatened or endangered status of a species updated and by whom?
  6. True or false.  The genetic and pathogen status of the animal colony or individual can be obtained quarterly from vendors of purpose-bred animals and is useful for deciding to accept or reject animals from the vendor.
  7. Select the incorrect answer.  To minimize stress to the animal, all transportation should be planned to
    1. Minimize transit time
    2. Minimize risk of zoonoses
    3. Protect against environmental extremes
    4. Avoid overcrowding
    5. Provide food and water at all times
    6. Protect against physical trauma
  8. Fill in the blank.  Receipt of an animal shipment should be inspected for compliance with _____ and for signs of _____.
  9. What documents provide guidance on animal transport?
  10. What does the acronym IATA stand for?
  11. What group regulates the import of primates with specific guidelines for tuberculin testing? 
  12. Fill in the blank.  There are special requirements for importing and transporting ____, ____, and ____ monkeys.
  13. Fill in the blank.  Preventative medicine programs enhance research value of animals by maintaining healthy animals and minimizing _______ associated with disease and inapparent infection
  14. Define quarantine
  15. Why is quarantine important?
  16. Select the correct answer.  Information from animal source on the animal quality should be sufficient to enable the veterinarian to determine:
    1. Length of quarantine
    2. Potential risks to personnel
    3. Potential risks to animals within the colony
    4. Whether therapy is required prior to quarantine release
    5. For rodents, whether cesarean rederivation or embryo transfer is required to satisfy the health requirements
    6. All of the above
  17. Fill in the blank.  Regardless of the length of the quarantine, animals should be given time for ___, ____, and _____ stablization prior to use.  This length of stabilization time will depend on type and duration of animal transport, species involved, and intended use.
  18. Select the incorrect statement.  Physical separation of animals by species is recommended to:
    1. Prevent interspecies disease transmission
    2. Eliminate anxiety and interspecies conflict
    3. Prevent spread of a pathogen from one species to another or from animals of dirtier sources (that might cause clinical disease in the new host)
    4. Ensure a common pathogen status throughout the animal facility
  19.  Give examples of diseases that can be transmitted between species with devastating consequences.
  20. List several methods by which physical separation of animals by species can be achieved by:
  21. At what frequency should all animals be observed for signs of illness, injury, abnormal behavior by a person trained to recognize such signs? 
  22. Select the incorrect answer.  Unexpected deaths and signs of illness
    1. should be reported promptly
    2. investigation of the cause of these are useful in disease surveillance and diagnosis
    3. should prompt depopulation of animals in colony if show signs of contagious disease
  23. True or false.  The choice of medication or therapy should be made by the solely veterinarian
  24. List examples of infectious agents (usually viral) that produce subclinical but profound physiologic changes or altered responses
  25. How are viral infections are usually detected?
  26. Name three types of biological materials that can serve as sources of murine viruses that can contaminate facilities.
  27.  PHS policy and AWR place the responsibility for determining that personnel are appropriately qualified for their roles with what group?
  28. Fill in the blanks.  Postoperative care, monitoring and record keeping should pay attention to thermoregulation, _____ and _____ function and postoperative _____ or ______.  Care can include parenteral fluids, analgesics, drugs, care for surgical incisions.
  29. True or false.  Preoperative antibiotics should never be given, especially not as a replacement for aseptic technique.
  30. What are the 6 components of good surgical technique?
  31. Define major survival surgery
  32. Define minor survival surgery
  33. Nonsurvival surgery, in which the animal is euthanized prior to recovery from anesthesia, requires which of the following (select correct answers)

a.       Surgery site should be clipped

b.      Surgeon should perform a surgical hand scrub

c.       Surgeon should wear gloves

d.      Instruments and surrounding area should be clean


  1. True or false.  Aseptic technique, which is used to reduce microbial contamination to the lowest possible level, can be achieved with the proper germicide. 
  2. Name several types of sterilization methods:
  3. True or false.  Alcohol is neither a sterilant nor a high level disinfectant.
  4. Fill in the blank.  Most bacteria are carried on___ or ____, so surgical facilities should be maintained and operated to ensure cleanliness and minimize unnecessary traffic.
  5. Fill in the blank.  One important aspect of surgical monitoring includes monitoring and maintaining a normal body temperature to minimize _____ and _____ disturbances caused by anesthetic agents.
  6. Name some common characteristics of laboratory-rodent surgery
  7. Who shares responsibility for ensuring post-surgical care is appropriate
  8. Define pain
  9. While species show a variety of responses to pain, there are some commonalities.  List several different pain responses seen across species.
  10. True or false.  Pancuronium, a neuromuscular blocking agent used to paralyze skeletal muscles, is an anesthetic. 
  11. True or false.  Assessment of the autonomic nervous system (blood pressure, heart rate) can be used to assess pain during the use of pancuronium. 
  12. Define euthanasia
  13. Inhalants and noninhalant chemical agents are preferable to physical methods but all must be approved by whom?



  1. protocol-associated sequelae
  2. Any of the above
  3. Answers are:
    1. Handling
    2. Immobilization
    3. Sedation
    4. Analgesia
    5. Anesthesia
    6. Euthanasia
  4. animal health, behavior, and well-being.
  5. True
  6. tattoos or microchips
  7. Annually by the US Fish and Wildlife Service (DOI 50 CFR 17)
  8. False, should be tested regularly and should be obtained on animals prior to inter- or intra- institutional transfer
  9. e. Provide food and water when indicated
  10. procurement specifications,  clinical disease
  11. AWA regulations and IATA Live Animal Regulations
  12. International Air Transport Association
  13. Public Health Service
  14. African green, cynomolgus, and rhesus
  15. nonprotocol sources of variation
  16. Quarantine is the separation of newly received animals from those already in the facility until the health and possibly the microbial status of the newly received animals have been determined
  17.  Minimizes the chance for introduction of pathogens into the colony and limits the exposure of humans caring for NHP to zoonoses
  18. f.  all of the above
  19. physiologic, psychologic, and nutritional
  20. d. Ensure a common pathogen status throughout the animal facility
  21. Bordetella bronchiseptica in rabbits and guinea pigs

            SHF and SIV in New World Primates, Old World African Primates, and Old 

            World Asian Primates

            Herpesvirus tamarinus in Saimiri sciureus, Aotus trivirgatus and Saguinus            

            oedipus, Saguinus nigricollis.

  1. Housing in separate rooms is ideal.  Other options include housing in cubicles, laminar flow units, filtered air cages or cages with separate ventilation, or isolators
  2. at least once a day and more frequently during postoperative recovery, when ill, or with a physical defect
  3. c.  should prompt isolation of animals in the colony if show signs of contagious disease (entire room of animals should be kept intact during diagnosis, treatment, and control)
  4. False, it should be made in consultation with the investigator and the veterinarian to select a therapeutically sound treatment that if possible, causes no undesirable experimental variable
  5. Sendai virus, Kilham rat virus, Mouse hepatitis virus, Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus, Mycoplasma pulmonis
  6. by serology
  7. Transplantable tumors, Hybridomas, Cell lines
  8. IACUC
  9. cardiovascular and respiratory;  pain or discomfort.
  10. False.  The need for preoperative antibiotics may exist if a nonsterile part was exposed or immunosuppression results, but should not be used as a replacement for aseptic technique
  11.  Asepsis, Gentle tissue handling, Minimal dissection of tissue, Appropriate use of instruments, Effective hemostasis, Correct use of suture materials and patterns
  12. Penetrates and exposes a body cavity or produces a substantial impairment of physical or physiologic functions
  13. Does not expose a body cavity and causes little or no physical impairments and may involve procedures that are often performed on an “outpatient” basis in veterinary clinical practice
  14. a, c, d
  15. False, no procedure, piece of equipment or germicide can achieve that alone.  Requires preparation of patient, surgeon, sterilization of instruments and supplies, use of operative techniques to reduce likelihood of contamination
  16. Autoclaving, Gas, Liquid chemical sterilants (should be used with adequate contact time and instruments should be rinsed with sterile water or saline before use)
  17. True
  18. airborne particles or fomites
  19. cardiovascular and respiratory
  20. Smaller incision site, Fewer personnel in the surgical team, Manipulation of multiple animals in a single sitting, Briefer procedures, Modification of traditional surgical techniques
  21. Investigator and the veterinarian
  22. Complex experience that typically results from stimuli that damage tissue or have the potential to damage tissue.  Painful stimulus prompts withdrawal and evasive action
  23. Vocalization, Depression, Behavioral changes, Abnormal appearance or posture, Immobility, Signs of stress and distress
  24. False.  Sedatives, anxiolytics, and neuromuscular blocking agents are not analgesics or anesthetics. May eliminate the signs of anesthetic depth – define the appropriate amount of anesthetic based on the results of a similar procedure without the NMB. 
  25. True. 
  26. The act of killing animals by methods that induce rapid unconciousness and death without pain or distress.  Method of euthanasia should induce loss of consciousness and death with no or only momentary pain/distress/anxiety, reliability, nonreversibility, time required to induce unconsciousness, species and age limitation, compatibility with research objectives, safety of and emotional effect on the personnel
  27. IACUC




1.        What types of building materials are most desirable for an animal facility?

2.        What should be considered when constructing outdoor facilities?

3.        What determines the specific animal facility and support functions?

4.        What type of space is needed for an animal facility?

5.        True or False.  Space for storing wastes before incineration can be found in most multipurpose animal facilities.

6.        Corridors ___ to __ ft wide can accommodate the needs of most facilities.

7.        In corridors leading to noisy areas, what can be used to decrease the noise level?

8.        True or False.  Doors should open into the corridors, but never into the animal rooms.

9.        Doors __ x __ inches allow racks and other equipment to pass through easily. 

10.     What type of doors is usually desirable within an animal facility?

11.     When are exterior windows acceptable in an animal room?

12.     When are exterior windows inappropriate in an animal room?

13.     What is the best type of floor for an animal facility?

14.    Satisfactory flooring materials include _____, _____, and ______. 

15.     True or False.  Drainpipes in floors should be at least 10.2 cm in diameter. 

16.     Why should drains that are not in use be capped and sealed?

17.     Floor drains are not necessary in all animal rooms, especially those housing ___.

18.      Why are guard rails or bumpers used in animal facilities?

19.     What criteria must suspended ceilings meet to deem them appropriate in an animal facility?

20.     Exposed plumbing, ductwork, and light fixtures are (desirable, undesirable) in an animal facility.

21.    What is an effective way of regulating temperature and humidity?

22.     What is HVAC?

23.    The HVAC system should be capable of what temperature adjustments?

24.     At what range should the relative humidity be maintained?

25.     Is temperature best regulated through zonal control of multiple rooms, or by thermostatic control of each room?

26.     Define ASHRAE

27.     What measures can be taken to minimize the magnitude and duration of fluctuations in temperature and relative humidity out side the recommended ranges?

28.     Define HEPA.

29.     Areas for quarantine, and for housing of NHPs should be kept under relative (negative, positive) pressure.

30.     True or false.  Maintaining air pressure differentials is the only way to control cross contamination.

31.     What type of lights is most commonly used in animal facilities?

32.     True or False. Ground fault interrupters (GFIs) are only needed in the animal rooms.

33.     What temperature should be maintained for the storage of dead animals and animal tissues?  Why?

34.     What is the most effective type of walls to contain noise?

35.     Should acoustic materials applied directly to the ceiling or suspended ceiling be used in an animal room? Why?

36.     What measures can be used to control the transmission of sound along corridors?

37.    List the advantages of s centralized surgical facility.

38.     List the functional components of aseptic surgery for most surgical programs.

39.     Define AORN.

40.    How can related, non-surgical activities be separated from surgical procedures?

41.      In the operating room, what factors can be directly related to the level of bacterial contamination and the incidence of postoperative infection?

42.     In a surgical facility, interior surfaces should be constructed of ______ materials and should be impervious to ________.



1.        Durable, moisture proof, fire-resistant, seamless materials.

2.        The surfaces should withstand the elements and be easy to maintain.

3.        Size, nature and intensity of the animal program.

4.        Space for animal housing, care, and sanitation, receipt, quarantine, and separation of animals, separation of species, isolation of animals, and storage.

5.        True

6.        Corridors 6 to 8 ft wide can accommodate the needs of most facilities.

7.        Double doors or other noise traps.

8.        False. Doors should open into the animal rooms.

9.        Doors _42_x _84 inches allow racks and other equipment to pass through easily.

10.     Doors made of material that resist corrosion, that fit tightly in their frames with recessed or shielded handles, threshold sweeps, kick plates that are self closing.

11.     Exterior windows can serve as environmental enrichment for dogs,

 NHPs, some agricultural animals, and other large species.

12.     When temperature can not be regulated in the room because of heat loss or gain through the window or when the photoperiod is an important consideration.

13.      Floors should be moisture resistant, nonabsorbent, impact-resistant, smooth or textured relative to the species being housed.

14.    Satisfactory flooring materials include epoxy aggregates, hard-surface sealed concrete, and special hardened rubber-base aggregates.

15.    True (4 inches). 

16.     To prevent the backflow of sewer gases and other contaminants. 

17.     Floor drains are not necessary in all animal rooms, especially those housing rodents.

18.     To prevent damage to walls and corners.

19.     They must be fabricated of impervious materials and free of imperfect junctions. 

20.     Exposed plumbing, ductwork, and light fixtures are undesirable in an animal facility (unless the surfaces can be readily cleaned). 

21.     Air conditioning.

22.     Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning

23.    Adjustments in dry bulb temperature of ±1°C (±2°F).

24.    30-70%

25.    Thermostatic control

26.     American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers

27.     Partial redundancy of the HVAC system, partial recycling of the air, altered ventilation rates, or the use of auxiliary equipment.

28.     High Efficiency Particulate Air

29.     Areas for quarantine, and for housing of NHPs should be kept under relative negative pressure.

30.     False.

31.     Recessed energy efficient fluorescent lights.

32.    False.  GFIs should be used in areas with high water usage, such as cage wash areas and aquarium maintenance areas.

33.     7 ºC (44.6 ºF) to reduce putrefaction of wastes and animal carcasses.

34.     Masonry walls.

35.     No.  They present a problem for sanitation and vermin control.

36.     The use of well-constructed corridor doors, sound-attenuating doors, or double-door entry.

37.     Cost savings in equipment, conservation of space and personnel resources, reduced transit of animals, and enhanced oversight of facilities and procedures.

38.     Surgical support, animal preparation, surgeon’s scrub, operating room and postoperative recovery. 

39.      Association of Operating Room Nurses

40.     By physical barriers, by distance between areas, or by the timing of appropriate cleaning and disinfection between activities. 

41.     The number of personnel and their level of activity.

42.     In a surgical facility, interior surfaces should be constructed of monolithic materials and should be impervious to moisture.




Appendix B: Selected Organizations Related to Laboratory Animal Science


1.      Define AAALAC

2.      What is AAALAC?

3.      When was AAALAC formed?

4.      At what interval does AAALAC conduct sites visits?

5.      How often are accredited institutions required to submit reports on the status of their anima facility?

6.      Define AALAS.

7.      Define ACLAM

8.      True or False.  ACLAM is a specialty board recognized by the AMA.

9.      When was ACLAM founded?

10.  Define ASLAP

11.  When was ASLAP founded?

12.  When was AWIC established?

13.   Define AWI.

14.  What is AWI?

15.  What is the main advisory and review agency for the use of animals in Canadian science? 

16.  Define CAAT

17.  What is the FBR?

18.  What is HSUS?

19.  Define ILAR


Appendix B: Selected Organizations Related to Laboratory Animal Science



1.       Association for the Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care.

2.      A nonprofit organization that promote high quality animal care, use and well-being through a voluntary accreditation program.

3.      1965

4.      3 years or less

5.      Annually

6.      American Association for Laboratory Animal Science

7.      American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine

8.      False.  ACLAM is a specialty board recognized by the AVMA.

9.      1957

10.  American Society of Laboratory Animal Practitioners

11.  1966

12.  In 1985 by an amendment to the AWA.

13.  Animal Welfare Institute

14.  A nonprofit educational organization dedicated to reducing the pain and fear inflicted on animals by humans.

15.  Canadian Council on Animal Care

16.  Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing

17.  Foundation for Biomedical Research, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting public understanding and support of the ethical use of animals in medical research.

18.  Humane Society of the United States, an animal protection organization.

19.  Institute of Laboratory Animal Research


Appendix C:  Some Federal Laws Relevant to Animal Care and Use


  1. Who is vested in regulatory authority under the Animal Welfare Act?
  2. Who implements the AWA?
  3. Where are the regulations pertaining to implementation of the AWA published?
  4. Who is vested in regulatory authority under the Endangered Species Act?
  5. Who implements the ESA?
  6. Where are the regulations pertaining to implementation of the ESA published?


Appendix C:  Some Federal Laws Relevant to Animal Care and Use


1.        The secretary of the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture).

2.        USDA Animal and Plant Inspection Service (APHIS).

3.        Code of Federal Regulations, Title 9, Chapter 1, Subchapter A.

4.        Secretary of the USDI (U.S. Department of the Interior).

5.        USDI Fish and Wildlife Service

6.        Code of Federal Regulations, Title 50, Chapter 1, Subchapter B, Part 17.


Appendix D:  Public Health Service Policy and Government Principles Regarding the care and Use of Animals


1.          Who developed the U.S. Government Principles for the Utilization and Care of Vertebrate Animals Used in Testing, Research, and Training?

2.          What are the responsibilities of IRAC?

3.          Who is responsible for ensuring that the principles are adhered?


Appendix D:  Public Health Service Policy and Government Principles Regarding the care and Use of Animals


1.        IRAC (Interagency Research Animal Committee).

2.        Information exchange, program coordination and contributions to policy development.

3.        The Institutional Official.